About me
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story can make all the difference.
Dear Reader
I’ve always been fascinated with how an idea can be turned not only into a successful brand. But how a brand can transcend into popular culture and into the minds of the masses. For example brands such as Apple or Nike that have built cult like brand loyalty.
Over time I’ve chosen to explore interesting and innovative creative avenues for brand collabration wether that be looking to the future with the Pepsi x Space X concept brief.
Breaking this down into three components THINK, DESIGN, DELIVER. Understanding that an idea without strategy is rudderless and without a plan for delivery it cannot stand a chance for success.
Learning and understanding this principle started when I created my own clothing brand which is laid out in detail on the homepage. Ever since I’ve tried to apply these principles to all future work.
I hope this body of work interests you and if you’d like to get in touch then please don’t hesitate.
Kind Regards, Tom